So, being 13 years into the new millenium, I've decided that we might as well put a personal voice onto the internet for Raffel's Catering! I'm new to blogging, so please bear with me for a bit. I want this to be a useful forum wherever and however possible and not just a place for pointless chatter... there's already more than enough of that on the internet as it is!
I've always had an interest in writing, no matter what my high school English teachers might've said, and I'd like to add to that interest here on our blog. It seems like it might have some interesting potential...
So, seeing as how this IS my first and only blog so far, please feel free to comment and let me know what sort of things you might be interested in discussing or hearing about. I have no problem going into some controversial topics or answering bizarre questions. But be warned, if you ask a stupid question I can almost promise you that I will respond with a stupid answer. But, if I can figure out what you really meant, I'll give it my best shot to respond accordingly.
I'm sending this blog out into the ether to see what comes of it and will hopefully get a few people interested in following it. I'll try to keep the topic relevant to catering and other food service/hospitality topics but I can't guarantee I won't veer off-topic once in a while. I can only talk about centerpieces and linens for so long before I'll go even crazier than I already am!!
I want this to be a more casual front for us and a place where people can actually get honest answers to questions that they can't seem to find on the internet. A lot of times there's just way too much out there when all you really want is a quick, simple answer. At least in my opinion.
Alright, here we go bloggers... let's see what we get!
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